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Language in Conflict is dedicated to bridging the gap between the field of linguistics and the study and resolution of conflict.

The Language in Conflict project is looking at the potential contribution of linguistics to conflict studies by examining the use of language in conflict situations and resolution at all levels. It also aims to bring together academics and professionals from linguistics, conflict studies and conflict resolution, to enhance understanding and encourage discussion and collaboration.

The Language in Conflict web platform has been designed as a way to realise these aims. It is hoped that the articles, topic summaries and cross-disciplinary interaction on the platform will increase understanding between the fields and ultimately lead to greater cooperation on research and training work.

Language in Conflict is based at the University of Huddersfield and involves researchers from linguistics and conflict studies:

Matthew Evans is interested in research that uses methods drawn from critical stylistics and corpus linguistics to look at implicit ideologies in texts. His previous work has looked at political manifestos and gay rights texts. He is currently working towards a PhD on the use of the word 'feminism' in the media.

Prof Lesley Jeffries has published a number of articles and books that look at the way conflicts and ideologies are represented in language. Her recent publications look at the role of opposition and other features of language in the communication of ideologies. She is currently working on a project looking at how the words 'threat' and 'risk' are used in politics.

Dr Jim O'Driscoll is interested in communication across languages and environments. His work focuses on how language-in-situated-use affects, and is affected by, the world around us, and what meanings and effects are achieved through it. He is currently working on research exploring the application of socio-pragmatic concepts and insights to conflict resolution.

Simone Schuller has a background in political science and conflict studies. Her research interests include post-conflict peacebuilding and reconstruction, in particular with regard to dealing with a legacy of war crimes and human rights abuses after violent conflict. Her previous research work has focused on the former Yugoslavia and the African Great Lakes region.


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