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Pre- and post-conflict perspectives of identity and culture in Uganda

by Edith Natukunda-Togboa
This article is an extract of a comparative study on Identity, Culture and Conflict in Refugee (Oruchinga Valley) and Returnee Communities (Gulu) in Uganda. The study is mainly qualitative in design, with quantitative data provided to show the amplitude of the issues that returnees struggle with. As an in-depth investigation into the 'returning home process', the study uses respondents' personal narratives to explain not just the behaviour or opinions of returnees but also their context within the transitory post-conflict period. The study employs mainly qualitative research methods drawn… Read more

From talk to text — Using the 'Conversation Analytic Role-play Method' to engage (potential) mediation clients in spoken and written communication

by Elizabeth Stokoe
The Evolution of the Conversation Analytic Role-play Method The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method, or CARM, is an approach to communication training based on conversation analytic (CA) research. CA studies recordings of real-time interaction and the activities that comprise it; the way those activities are designed, and how different designs lead to different outcomes. Focusing on both spoken and embodied (e.g., gaze, gesture) resources, CA investigates the organizational structure and sequence of different phases of talk, such as openings or closings, as well as the organization and… Read more
The reading group

Reading between the lines — Life through literature in a prison reading group

by Patricia Canning
In Northern Ireland, the complexities of literary fiction are embraced for their capacity to unite. Every week, I read literature with female prisoners at a Belfast prison. We read aloud and discuss short stories, novels and poetry. This evokes emotional responses, reflections on personal experiences and memories of things that are not often easily accessible. It is, for all of us, a deeply engaging reading experience. The literature we read and the resulting discussions also generate conflicts within the group, highlighting social and personal differences. The conflict and recognition of… Read more

LinC's Lesley and Jim on the Middle Way Society's Podcast

by team@languageinconflict.org
Language in Conflict's Lesley Jeffries and Jim O'Driscoll recently made an appearance on the Middle Way Society's own… Read more
Balan US

The ever-changing nature of 'the Balkan'

by Milena Marinkova
One of the most recurrent metaphors used to discuss conflict is 'the Balkan'. A designation for the mountain range that… Read more
LinC article 1

Language in Conflict in Babel magazine

by Matthew Evans
Language in Conflict recently made an appearance in Babel, a print magazine about language and linguistics. In her… Read more
Myoung Ho Lee — Tree #3

Root causes — 'Peace' and 'conflict'

by John Kelly
For those of us living in parts of the world such as the United Kingdom or United States, conflicts such as the ongoing… Read more

Language and the Syrian conflict

by Matthew Evans
In the modern media, a conflict such as the on-going battle over the future of Syria generates a huge amount of press… Read more

Observations on face in mediation

by Roger Seaman
Mediation is the bringing together of parties who are in conflict and a mediator in order to hold a conversation.… Read more

In the News — Opposition

by Matthew Evans
Oppositions seem to be fundamental to the way we think about the world around us. Left/right, black/white, hot/cold –… Read more

In the News — Metaphor

by Matthew Evans
Metaphor allows us to talk about things in a descriptive or poetic way, and gives us a fresh way of thinking about… Read more
Patrick Howse by Inge Schlaile

Making sense of war and trauma through poetry

by Patrick Howse
I covered violent conflicts as a producer for the BBC for ten years from 2000. My most challenging role was acting as… Read more
Israel-Palestine border

Where they stand — How Europe talks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

by Jim O'Driscoll
As a linguist, what interests me about political debate is not just what people say. I am also interested in how they… Read more

Language, conflict and incarceration in Northern Ireland and Wales

by Diarmait Mac Giolla Chriost
Although the Northern Irish conflict is one of the most heavily researched, it remains fertile ground for conflict… Read more

When is a terrorist a terrorist?

by James Rodgers
'The problem we had then was the terrorists,' began the former soldier. A veteran of the Second World War, victory over… Read more
Tony Blair

'Threat' and 'risk' — Their part in the Iraq war

by Lesley Jeffries
There remains some doubt in the aftermath of the Iraq war as to whether Saddam Hussein's regime was as dangerous as the… Read more

'The author and the princess' — An example of Critical Discourse Analysis

by Matthew Evans
This article provides an example of how Critical Discourse Analysis can be used to analyse texts. By looking at the… Read more

Historical linguistics

For those of us living in parts of the world such as the United Kingdom or United States, conflicts such as the ongoing civil war in Syria can seem far-off and abstract. They exist in terms like diplomatic ...
One of the most recurrent metaphors used to discuss conflict is 'the Balkan'. A designation for the mountain range that cuts across the territory of present-day Bulgaria, the term 'Balkan' has also been ...